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Our impact

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a business approach that contributes to sustainable development by delivering economic, social and environmental benefits for all stakeholders.

At its highest level CSR is about companies doing the right things. It is about a commitment to ethical and responsible business guidelines, being good environmental stewards, developing our workforce (both personally and professionally) and taking responsibility for developing the local community.

We are a Living Wage employer

Eploy has been accredited as a living wage employer by the Living Wage Foundation, demonstrating the company’s commitment to being a socially responsible employer. The real Living Wage is the only UK wage rate paid voluntarily by over 7,000 UK businesses. Real Living Wage employers believe their staff deserve a wage that meets everyday needs, going further than the government minimum and paying all staff the real Living Wage for the real cost of living. Living Wage rates are higher than the government minimum because they are independently calculated based on what people need to get by.

Living Wage employers report that paying a decent wage, as well as being the right thing to do, has real business benefits. They talked of lower staff turnover and a better bottom line. In addition, staff felt valued, so they went the extra mile. 

Charitable & Humanitarian Support

Eploy are actively engaged in supporting charitable and humanitarian efforts. We focus these efforts on areas where our professional expertise can be used by the forces of good! In this way, our efforts have the most meaningful positive impact. An Example of this is our work with CSRN: Formerly known as the ‘COVID-19 Student Response Network’, CSRN was founded in the wake of lockdown to bring together talented students from all over the UK with social impact organisations impacted by COVID-19. CSRN works with established student consultancies to secure and scope high impact management consulting projects with organisations driving social impact in regions impacted by crises.

Having spoken with the team at CSRN, Eploy stepped in to provide free-of-charge access to Eploy’s Applicant Tracking System and Recruitment CRM platform, including a web-based careers portal where students can search and apply for current roles as well as join the CSRN Talent Pool.

Carbon Neutral Plus

Being a Carbon Neutral+ company means achieving more than carbon neutrality. In addition to neutralising its emissions, carbon neutral+ companies help finance new renewable energy projects in vulnerable communities and plant new native trees with local organisations.

Eploy’s carbon emissions have been independently verified by Carbon Footprint Ltd, that gave us a total annual carbon emissions value which we have subsequently offset.