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  • Agency Management

Vacancy Assignment to PSL

Add a new vacancy then assign it to your preferred supplier list (PSL)

  • Agency Management

Application Quotas

Set limits on the volume of candidates your preferred agencies can put forward to ensure they focus on quality over quantity

  • Agency Management

Submit Candidates

Agencies can view their vacancy assignments and submit candidates & CVs through the portal.

  • Agency Management

Simple Dashboard Interface

The Agency Portal is super-simple to use, ensuring agencies submit candidates quickly, efficiently and capture all the information you need.

  • Agency Management

Distribute by Tier, Function, Location

Get the right jobs to the right agencies. Distribute your jobs by tier, function, location or other criteria.

  • Agency Management

Browser-Based Agency Portal

Your Agency Portal is completely browser based, accessible on any device at any time.

  • Agency Management

Screening Questions

Improve candidate quality by adding screening questions to the candidate submission process.

  • Agency Management

Compliance Checks

Ensure your agencies submit candidates who are compliant for your vacancies. Add a series of checkpoints for right to work, agency representation, terms and conditions and more.