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  • Job Advertising

Post vacancies on your careers site

With Eploy you get beautiful vacancy pages to entice candidates to apply. With just a click your new vacancy is live ready to receive applications.

  • Job Advertising

Social Posting

Eploy's social media features allow recruiters to easily share job postings on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, expanding reach and engaging a diverse talent pool.

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Job Alerts

Eploy's intelligent job alerts automatically select relevant jobs for candidates based on their skills, experience and preferences - then email them the details, inviting them to apply.

  • Job Advertising

Job Board Multi-Posting

Post straight from Eploy to your favourite Job Boards, connect to over 1500 boards.

  • Job Advertising

AdStore - Marketplace

Eploy AdStore, The Job Board Marketplace, saves you time and money by accessing job advertising offers, bundles and more. It allows you to try ad-hoc or specialist job boards without the need for contracts. Eploy AdStore offers over 3,000 job boards and channels, including popular sites such as LinkedIn, Total Jobs, and CV Library, as well as niche job boards and social media platforms.

  • Job Advertising

Job Feeds

Expand your job posting reach with automated job feeds - not just current vacancies but filtered by location, department, position and other criteria.

  • Job Advertising

Candidate Source Tracking

Eploy tracks candidates back to their source, including job boards and social networks. Powerful analytics help you identify the channels that are working best for you.

  • Job Advertising

Indeed Integration

Eploy tracks candidates back to their source, including job boards and social networks. Powerful analytics help you identify the channels that are working best for you.

  • Job Advertising

AI Job Advert Tuning

Eploy’s AdTuner feature enhances your job adverts with precision and inclusivity. It allows you to optimise each posting with real-time feedback, ensuring that the language used is not only effective but also free from gender bias. This debiasing functionality is critical for promoting gender neutrality, helping you attract a diverse pool of candidates. AdTuner’s advanced adjustments ensure your adverts are crafted to appeal to the ideal candidates through your careers site, making your recruitment efforts both fair and focused.