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Job Search & Vacancy Pages

No matter how many open positions you have available, candidates can quickly search and apply for their ideal role. Search options include role types, departments, by salary band, location or any other criteria.

  • Job Search & Vacancy Pages

Job Search

Quick search, advanced filtering, geolocation & proximity to vacancies.

Flexible search options make it easy for candidates to find their ideal role.

  • Job Search & Vacancy Pages

Suggested Jobs

Eploy's powerful AI automatically suggest jobs to candidates visiting your website based on their skills and profile

  • Job Search & Vacancy Pages

Save jobs and apply later

If they're not quite ready to apply - yourcandidate's can save their favourite jobs and apply later

  • Job Search & Vacancy Pages

WCAG AA Compliance (DAC Certified)

Ensuring your company's careers website is WCAG AA compliant is crucial for accessibility and inclusivity, allowing individuals with disabilities equal access to employment opportunities. That's why at Eploy our Candidate Portal is certified AA Compliant by the DAC - this not only broadens your talent pool but also enhances your company's reputation as an inclusive and socially responsible employer.

  • Job Search & Vacancy Pages

Featured Jobs

Promote your most pressing Vacancies with 'Featured Job' so they'll gain enhanced visibility on your Eploy careers pages and in candidate searches.

  • Job Search & Vacancy Pages

Latest Jobs

The 'Latest Jobs' widget will always ensure your newest vacancies are promoted on your careers site.