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Talent Pooling

Talent Pools become second nature and easy to nurture with Eploy’s Candidate Relationship Management for your passive and active candidates.

    • Create Talent Pools
    Create Talent Pools
    • Create and manage a skills library based on your needs
    • Automatically match the most suitable candidates for your vacancies
    • Auto skill candidates as soon as they are added to Eploy, based on skills in their CV
    • Dynamic - automatically adds new members based on your criteria
    • Static - handpick the best candidates for each pool
    • Search Your Talent
    Search Your Talent
    • Full Boolean search across all candidate, company, contact & vacancy records
    • Save & share searches with your colleagues
    • Quick Match gives you instant feedback on suitable candidates
    • Personalise your interface for quick access to key information
    • Review previous roles & applications
    • Create longlists / talent mapping
    • Talent Nurturing
    Talent Nurturing
    • Keep track of every conversation with each candidate
    • Automatically associate emails & SMS with relevant candidates, companies, contacts & vacancies
    • Email Marketing tools for branded  campaigns
    • Integrated two-way SMS* for mobile marketing campaigns
    • Fully integrated content editor to plan and execute talent nurturing campaigns