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Tue Feb 16 2016

Does employer branding matter for recruitment agencies?

Employer Brand

For some time, many large corporates have known the value of employer branding. Boohoo.com’s successful #weareus campaign has driven top talent to their door for some time. In fact when their new careers site launched, they received their first application within 10 minutes of going live. Strong employer branding ensures they not only receive a high volume of applicants, but a high quality as well.

man with tieDo recruitment agencies need to follow suit when it comes to employer branding? All companies want to attract top talent to their door. In the case of recruitment agencies, this top talent can be described as a big biller or, purple squirrel sniper. Someone who can get the job do, smash targets and bring home the bacon.

The catch is- top talent wants to work at a top company. And as the war for top talent intensifies, you need to show top talent why they should work for you. Unless you’re already turning away top candidates, there are probably a few things you can do to improve the volume and quality of applications. Here are our top tips for recruitment agencies to attract the top talent.

1. Careers Site

Or at least a few pages on your website dedicated to hiring your own staff. A well designed careers site shows that you care about your employer brand, and more importantly, care about your employees.

2. Company Culture

What is your company culture? Would current and former employees recommend your agency as a great place to work? Think of some differentiators. If you don’t have any, start one. It doesn’t need to be big. Buying coffee and a doughnut for the team on the last Friday of the month can go a long way to start.

3. Social Media

Pick a social media stream that you don’t use to recruit candidates and dedicate it to employer branding. Post pictures of your team at work and socialising.

4. Employee Benefits

If you don’t have any unique benefits, create some! Employee benefits shouldn’t always be financial. Perhaps include additional time off.