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Hiring Managers



A day in the life of a hiring manager...made easier, with Eploy



Before Eploy

"It's urgent that I fill this role on my team but I’m not always sure what needs to be done next and I know that losing momentum in our recruitment process can lead to missing out on the best candidates."

With Eploy

Dashboards are a great way to highlight the hiring manager's to-do items so that activities such as logging candidate feedback is done in a timely fashion.


Raise a job request

Before Eploy

"I’m busy and I don’t know where to begin. I don’t understand the process and I’m not even sure what information I need to include in my job request?"

With Eploy

Customisable requisition forms guide your hiring managers through the process of creating a request, and by providing hiring managers access to a library of predefined vacancies, the process is simplified and less time consuming


Review your applications

Before Eploy

"The process is a bit clunky so it can be very time consuming to review all of the applications we receive. Sometimes it's hard to tell if a candidate's experience or qualifications match our requirements. The recruitment team expect me to provide feedback on each candidate which I don’t always have time to do"

With Eploy

Present your hiring manager with a pre-screened list of candidates. Focus their time on the standout applicants and make it easy for them to quickly score candidates and log feedback using Eploy discover forms. Combined with anonymisation options, this creates a consistent and fair recruitment process that keeps the HR team happy too!


Schedule your interviews

Before Eploy

"There's too much back and forth. I’d like to be in control of when the interviews are going to take place with candidates, and feel more confident that they will show up!."

With Eploy

By directly integrating Eploy with your corporate calendars, hiring managers can set up their own interview schedules. The timetable can be shared with candidates who get the benefit of selecting slots to suit their availability too! Eploy will automatically include the conference call details and send reminders nearer the time so nobody forgets!


Create an offer

Before Eploy

"When I’ve found the right candidate to join my team I don’t want to hang around. I wish there was a quick and easy process to get my job offer approved and share it with the candidate asap."

With Eploy

Hiring managers will be keen to secure their preferred candidate asap, but let's not cut corners. With Eploy you can ensure that everything has been approved before the candidate is notified. Based on the type of role, Eploy can automatically generate the pre-employment checklist, employment benefits and even the equipment needed for the role.